Little Lions Early Years Centre

Harrow Bangkok provides an exceptional learning experience for children aged 2 to 5 years of age. Research shows that this important stage of a child’s development needs high quality provision to fully optimise the potential for learning and development. We ensure each child’s experience fosters and enables the necessary skills and attributes in preparation for a life of service, leadership and responsibility, with a strong cultural identity and heritage.

Our Little Lions Curriculum (LLC) is specifically designed for AISL Harrow Schools and draws from the very best examples and experiences of kindergarten curricula around the world. It specifically incorporates the core Harrow values of courage, humility, fellowship and honour, and is designed to ensure that the standards of the Early Years Foundation Stage of England are mapped and exceeded. Together with our unique pedagogical approach, we holistically cultivate children’s creative thinking and teamwork ethic and ensure all younger learners achieve rounded and balanced personal development, applying what they learn to their daily lives. 

Central to the curriculum are ten Learning Domains and five Learning Disciplines. The learning domains identify the core content that children will require in order to be appropriately informed, knowledgeable and skilled. The domains ensure that children develop effectively and are able to contextualise and support lifelong learning in conjunction with the associated learning disciplines. The learning disciplines provide content for the essential learning behaviours that enable a perspective within which learning domains will be utilised and applied. This interface between disciplines and domains lies at the heart and aspiration for the Little Lions Curriculum and enables children to both support and develop lifelong learning behaviours as well as understand the nature and purpose of intellectual pursuit (Katz, 2015) and the potential for deep level learning (Saljo, 1979). 

The learning domains and learning disciplines are:

AHEYC Domain Discipline

Based on the curriculum framework, Harrow Bangkok offers a broad and well-balanced curriculum across four Year Groups:

  • Lion Cubs: 18 months to 2 years
  • Pre-Nursery: 2 – 3 years
  • Nursery: 3 – 4 years
  • Reception: 4 – 5 years

Our age-appropriate curriculum is designed to encourage children’s learning processes (memory, attention, observation) and cognitive skills (reasoning, comparing and contrasting, classification), as well as the acquisition of specific information (for example geography, science, environmental impact, digital coding).

It is an aspirational and challenging curriculum that embodies the elements of excellence and values, which aligns to all AISL Harrow early years provision, regardless of location and context. It provides a challenging, forward-looking, ambitious education that enriches the lives of children and prepares them for their future as well-informed, creative and reflective citizens equipped for responsible leadership.

At Harrow Bangkok, we provide stimulating environments and spaces relevant to the children’s cultures and communities which provoke curiosity and maximise the potential for learning. Meaningful opportunities are presented through play and playful teaching, and we support children to take risks in exploring and expressing themselves in multiple ways, personalised to their interests and reflecting their needs. 

All adults involved appreciate the importance of impactful interactions with children and understand that, at times, there is a need to stand back and observe before support, stretch, and challenge can be offered through conversations, questions, and reflections. The relationships between the children and adults are positive, as the team takes time getting to know each child, so that their likes, dislikes, preferences, interests and challenges are understood and planned for. Continuous observation of children affords the team an opportunity to plan the most appropriate and impactful next steps in each child’s learning journey. 


Toddler at harrow playing with water


A Pre-Nursery kid is participating in the activity of Cleanliness


A nursery pupil at harrow is making sand art



A reception student is drawing


For children aged between 18 months and 2 years. Maximum number in each class is 15 children with one teacher, one teaching assistant and three child care assistants. Ratio is 1:3. Formal admissions process and in-class visit needed with a parent before being offered a place. Staggered start (not all children start on the same day).

For children aged
2-3 years.  Maximum number in each class is 15 children, with one teacher, one teaching
assistant and one child care assistant. Ratio is 1:5. Classes usually start small in Term One and grow throughout the year. Formal admissions process and in-class visit needed (with parents if necessary) before being offered a place. Staggered start (not all children start on the same day).
For children aged 3-4 years. Maximum number in each class is 20 children, with one teacher, one teaching assistant and one child care assistant. Ratio is 1:7. After completion of their Pre Nursery year, children are eligible to move to Nursery. New children: Formal admissions process and in-class visit needed (with parents if necessary) before being offered a place. Basic language skills needed on entry to the year group. Staggered start (not all children start on the same day). For children aged 4-5 years. Maximum number in each class is 20 children. With one teacher, one teaching assistant and a shared child care assistant. Ratio at least 1:10. After completion of Nursery, children are eligible to move to Reception. New children: Formal admissions process and in-class assessment needed (without parents if possible) before being offered a place. Established language
skills needed on entry to the year group.

Our Early Years Centre is very well resourced. In addition to large form rooms and indoor play areas, the Early Years Centre has dedicated outdoor learning environments for each different age group. We have a soft play room, two splash play areas, a music room, dining room, Thai Studies room and a large outdoor learning space used for den-building and physical development. We also have a full-time nurse and a medical centre onsite.  All forms have appropriate access to modern technology which is integrated into the curriculum. The most important resource of any school is, of course, the staff. Our high-quality, well trained, caring and experienced EYC team ensures that our children are happy, successful and thriving.


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Telephone: 025037222