After Harrow

Our mission is to ensure that our students graduate to succeed at the university of their choice. 

Almost all of our students graduate from Harrow Bangkok to a university of their choice abroad, with most opting to study in the UK and North America. Some of our students choose to embark on a gap year before going on to further study. The school offers expert advice on the wide range of options available as well as ably guiding students on the university application process. 

class of 2024

Once a Harrovian, always a Harrovian! As part of our alumni community, you will remain connected, wherever in the world you may be. Our global network of Harrovians offers support and guidance, which will be all the more important over the next few years as you transition to higher education and the world of work. Join IOH Connect now, an exclusive online networking platform that offers our Alumni the opportunity to make both professional and social connections with each other.

join the ioh connect platformalumni community

Harrow Bangkok Graduate