The Benefits of Boarding Bangkok Post Article
Perhaps you haven't realised exactly how much value boarding would add to your son or daughters life or how a world-class school nurtures and supports its boarding community. Our boarding staff describe the advantages of boarding at Harrow International School Bangkok.
No commute and Harrow Bangkok teachers tutoring at your home
The main reason for choosing boarding for your son or daughter is likely to be for academic gain. Living at your school will naturally help by giving you more time to study through taking away the daily commute. It is perhaps not surprising then that the majority of boarders at Harrow Bangkok actually come from Bangkok preferring the five-minute walk to and from school over the lengthy daily commute by car.
Boarders also profit from support by Harrow Bangkok day school teachers; every evening there is an A Level, a GCSE and a Prep teacher in boarding.
They're studying but because they're with their friends it feels different.
Across the boarding village the staff to student ratio is six to one giving student wellbeing genuine focus. One boarding mistress says ‘I think you’d struggle to find any other boarding school in the world that's got something similar to that’.
Boarders at Harrow Bangkok also benefit from the expansive school facilities, establish friendships with people from around the world, become more independent, have greater exposure to English and learn new skills.
The distractions of technology are reduced too.
Boarders have ‘no device days’ every week to focus them more on their academics whilst improving their interpersonal – their people – skills.
Boarders at Harrow Bangkok also benefit from the expansive school facilities, establish friendships with people from around the world, become more independent, have greater exposure to English and learn new skills.
Dedicated house parents available around the clock in secure hotel quality facilities
Good boarding schools, like Harrow Bangkok, will have, alongside Boarding House Masters or Mistresses, Boarding House Parents and their job is to be just that; substitute parents for the boarders. They help with the boarder’s day to day organisation; getting students up in the morning and making sure they have all the equipment they need. After school they are there for the boarders to check how their day was, help with any problems they may have had and to be a friendly face. Then all through the night they are available for boarders in need.
At Harrow Bangkok, even though they’re fully UK qualified teachers, Boarding House Parents don’t teach. This means their focus is purely on the boarders with none of the distractions that teaching would bring but, perhaps more importantly as the Boarding House Parent of Bradbys explains, ’I'm someone they trust to come to with any issue that they have because I’m that little bit separated from school. I’m on their team so they are always happy to come and see you and talk to you about anything that might be troubling them.’
The above material was published in Brunch (Bangkok Post Sunday magazine) 2nd December 18.