Expeditions and residential trips are absolutely central to a Harrow Bangkok education.
The Expedition Programme ensures that a Harrow Bangkok student receives a wealth of stimulating, diverse and challenging experiences, either within Thailand or abroad. They allow our students to rise above the challenges of life and prepare for the challenges of the future.
Whilst ensuring a safe yet challenging environment, students are enticed out of their safety zones and encouraged to push themselves, question, work with others and make just choices. Time for debrief and reflection allow students the opportunity to reassess their actions and decisions before they face the next obstacle. Learning from experience is effective in opening minds to new possibilities and seeing things in a different light. Students find themselves in situations where effective collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving allows them to develop as individuals with a sense of responsibility to others.
Expeditions week takes place annually in February, in the week before half-term. Our expeditions programme provides a clear progression of activities and expectations – from the first night away from home as a Year 1 pupil to life-changing experiences in other parts of the world as a sixth former.
Various other trips take place throughout the year, for instance to ski in Europe or Japan, trek the Nepali Himalayas, or explore the history of Russia, amongst others.