Japanese Speech Contest 日本語スピーチコンテスト
This event has been postponed.
If you have any queries about the contest please email JapaneseDept@harrowschool.ac.TH.
Date: Sunday the 2nd February 2020 2020 年2月2日(日曜日)
Venue: Helix Garden 1, 5th Floor, EmQuartier, Bangkok
organised by Harrow International School Bangkok.
The aim of the contest is to give school students of Japanese an exciting opportunity to perform their Japanese specialism on stage.
There are two categories for the speech contest: The Japanese First Language category and the Japanese Foreign Language category.
JAPANESE first language category
There are TWO tiers for the Japanese First Language category: Year 5 and 6 and Junior High School.
japanese foreign language category
There are THREE tiers for the Foreign Language category: Beginner (up to 3 years of study), Intermediate (up to 5 years of study), Advanced (more than five years of study)
How do I enter? エントリー方法
- Participants submit an entry by completing the form below and filling in the required details 参加者はしたのフォームに必要事故を記入し、〔SUBMIT〕よりお送りください。
- You will receive an automatic notification once your entry form has been received. You submit your text and sound files by email to JapaneseDept@harrowschool.ac.th. 日本語原稿と音声ファイル(MP3)をJapaneseDept@harrow.ac.thに送ってください。The deadline for submission of text of the speech and the sound file is 13th December 2019. お申込みいただきましたら自動的にこちらより案内が送られます。その案内には日本語原稿と音声ファイルの提出先があります。2019年12月13日までにご提出ください。
- Finalists will be announced before the 10th January. All pupils who enter will be contacted, and finalists will then be invited to the finals. 結果は1月10日までに参加者全員に連絡致します。ファイナルの日程等も合わせてご連絡いたします。
You can choose one from the selected themes in each category. SEE DETAILS BELOW. 各カテゴリー毎に用意されたトピックから一つ選んでください。
Criteria for progression
Speeches will be judged by the Harrow Bangkok Japanese Department. For the Foreign Language category we are looking for good pronunciation, a variety of structures, and a range of vocabulary. Please refrain from using web-based translators as this might penalise your entry.
For the First Language category we are looking for an engaging approach to the topic as well as good use of structures and vocabulary appropriate to the age group.
スピーチはHarrow International School 日本語科で審査します。外国語用では色々な語彙や文型を使い、正しい発音で話す力が求められます。Web翻訳のご使用はお控えください。(選考の対象から除外します。)
JUDGING criteria
first round
The maximum five finalists for each tier of both categories will be contacted before the 10th January 2020. 結果は1月10日に参加者全員に連絡致します。尚、各カテゴリーからは五人まで選出されます。
The Bangkok Japanese Speech Contest finals will be held on the 2nd February 2020 at Emquartier Shopping Complex (5th Floor Helix Garden) Bangkok. ファイナルは2020年2月2日EMQUARTIER SHOPPING COMPLEX – 5th Floor Helix Gardenで開催します。詳細は後日連絡いたします。
There is a First, Second and Third Prize for EACH CATEGORY.
First Prize : Deluxe Room for two (at Mayu Ryokan) with onsen includes breakfast. Valid from 2nd February to the 30th November 2020
Second Prize : Tensui Dinner Voucher 2,000 baht
Third Prize : Don Don Donki Thailand Shopping Voucher for 700 baht
example speeches
We have included four example speeches below so you can see what the variation in levels might be (for foreign language Japanese, beginner and intermediate level only).(参考例が用意されていますのでご覧ください。)These speech templates are provided courtesy of Anne Rajakumar, Japanese teacher at Hockerill Anglo European School, UK. Please note that these examples are for reference only and do not specify the format or style of the speech.
Entries are now closed. Thank you to all those who have submitted an entry and we hope to meet you at the finals in February. 申し込みを締め切りました。多数のご応募ありがとうございました。2月にお会いできることを楽しみにしています。
If you have any queries about the contest please email JapaneseDept@harrowschool.ac.th. ご質問等ございましたらJapaneseDept@harrowschool.ac.thまでお問い合わせください。
We look forward to welcoming you to the first ever Harrow Bangkok Japanese Speech Contest! 第一回Harrow Bangkok日本語スピーチコンテストへのご参加をお待ちしています。
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